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Friday 21 January 2011

End of the road.

The lone Teddy boy, maybe the last, he can't see the ruins of the fairground. He sees the punters ride the dodgems, the young girls screaming and the boys throwing their heads back and roaring with laughter. Where did his motorcycle go, wasn't he riding it just now? A feeling of fear flitted across his mind and sickening feeling twisted his stomach.

Oh, dear, what can the matter be? Johnny's so long at the fair.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

The awakened

After years of waiting, in the cemetery, for a reason she could no longer remember, the woman raised from her deep dark dreamless sleep and walked the path she once walked so long ago to her home.  It would not be long until she reached her destination, she paused and heard the unsettled crows calling from their nests high above.  She felt so cold and as she halted to hear the distressed birds her marble skin caught in the moonlight and glistened. She knew she was home but could feel nothing in her icy heart, could feel nothing at all.

The awakened...