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Saturday 29 October 2011

To try and touch the clouds

To try and touch the clouds
Where is who I used to be?

She is gone

I am weaker than her....
But I know more

She was confident
I feel apprehensive 

Her life was all ahead 
Where is mine to go?

I press my palms against the glass hard
and try to touch the clouds
Tell me where is happiness?

I won't find what I seek up with clouds

Friday 30 September 2011

Forget -me-not

All will crumble and fall
All you build will be destroyed
All you love will be no more
Like you've never been at all
You're all forgotten
No more..

Twenty six

Friday 19 August 2011


Whatever you strive to do, however hard you try, you will fail and it's all a waste of your time. Accept your lot in life.

Resting In Pieces

Saturday 30 July 2011


Today I resisted reaching oblivion, no respite. No sweet numbing and forgetting. I resisted, I feel and I remember.

Friday oblivion

Monday 25 July 2011


Missing a piece, or missing the rest of the jigsaw? Broken. Camouflaged, those passing by neither see nor care.

The missing piece

Saturday 25 June 2011

Matters not?

Sometimes I just feel like I don't matter to anybody. I probably don't. Why should I?
Pyromaniacally pictured

Saturday 4 June 2011

Tunnel vision

The view I see, help me if you want but I see no other. I have always travelled along in the darkness and I have constantly always hoped to see the light, but I never have. I just have never been able to dwell in the light, I have felt in darkness always, is that the place I belong? Somewhere along the lines my personality got screwed up - but someplace inside my soul there's some good, something worthwhile? Is there? I wish. Maybe not, maybe they are all all right and I'm just one my own worst demon.. I am just my own worst enemy, my own destroyer?

In the tunnel....

Tuesday 24 May 2011

The final destination

They reached the final destination at the end of their respected journeys, wherever it was they had all been heading they met in the same place. That place was the gloomy avenue of headstones in the cemetery. Choose your plot but be in no hurry to use it as the lights will go out for all eternity.

Final destination

Friday 13 May 2011

Flight over the dark souls

I soar, soar above all of you, lowly dwellers of the earth, I confess that my soul is black and heavy. So leaden is my heart, yet it does not weigh me down insufferbly yet. Each knock and disappointment adds an ounce to the weight of my heart. It is my soul that is dark not yours yet and I soar above you. Darkness can fly in silence.

Flight over the dark souls

Thursday 21 April 2011

From the light into the darkness

I don't know when I stumbled from the light into to the darkness, in the shadows my senses are numbed. It feels a long time since I made daisy chains on the lawn as a child. In the Summer when the sun's heat beat down on my hair and made it shine. Was I happy then? I can't remember.

From the light into darkness

Monday 4 April 2011

Eyes behind glass

Behind the glass and locked inside her marble cast, unable to utter a sound she watches out of her dusty paned windows. Time passes, the dust and cobwebs ever increasing little by little, she can hardly remember her name some days. It was Rebecca. No one seems to notice as the people hurry by her each day and night whilst they go up and down the busy street in the town.

Intense curiosity shop

Friday 1 April 2011

Talons clinging

With his talons clinging so tightly to the branch, the lone crow ceases his call and in the distance he hears the whispers of the trees. He knows what they say, he's so aware of the sights and sounds from the conspiring arboretum all around him. He doesn't like to hear their whispers and to feel the turmoil of emotions inside of of himself. He wants to keep flying towards the sun, the ultimate source of life and destruction, and never stop. To keep flying on and on and on, until his wings are agonized, burnt out and cease to function. Life hurts.

The lonesome crow

I seek life

I seek life
...non stirs
.....they, they sleep deep
.......I walk on
I seek life

Thursday 31 March 2011


Am I appearing or disappearing? Am I only partly here in this world, is the image getting fainter? I can feel my heart beating loud and steady, I just record the moment and file the image away.

Composing myself...

Wednesday 30 March 2011

If we keep still..

If we keep still they can't see us
If we keep still they can't hear us
If we keep still

Keep still

If we keep still...

Sunday 13 March 2011

At the apex

I just can't bring myself to step out of the light, my legs won't move, I stand rooted to the spot. Even the light is darkness.

At the apex

Friday 18 February 2011

No escape

Don't struggle, with every pulstation of your heart my grip around you gets tighter and tighter. There's no hope for you now.

"Will you walk into my parlour?" said the Spider to the Fly

Friday 21 January 2011

End of the road.

The lone Teddy boy, maybe the last, he can't see the ruins of the fairground. He sees the punters ride the dodgems, the young girls screaming and the boys throwing their heads back and roaring with laughter. Where did his motorcycle go, wasn't he riding it just now? A feeling of fear flitted across his mind and sickening feeling twisted his stomach.

Oh, dear, what can the matter be? Johnny's so long at the fair.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

The awakened

After years of waiting, in the cemetery, for a reason she could no longer remember, the woman raised from her deep dark dreamless sleep and walked the path she once walked so long ago to her home.  It would not be long until she reached her destination, she paused and heard the unsettled crows calling from their nests high above.  She felt so cold and as she halted to hear the distressed birds her marble skin caught in the moonlight and glistened. She knew she was home but could feel nothing in her icy heart, could feel nothing at all.

The awakened...